Events at Grandview

NO FIREWORKS at Grandview! Fire Danger, Foxtail, and more


It has been extremely hot and dry and the Dog Park is really, really dried out.  Smoking is highly discouraged!!  Please call 911 if you see any fires at Grandview.  Please “wet down” any smoldering areas with water (plastic poop bags filled with water work great).
YOU can help prevent Dog Park fires!

Fireworks are prohibited at Grandview Dog Park (and in the City of Seatac).
Please call 911 if you witness anyone lighting off fireworks in the park.

Foxtail can cause harm to dogs.  If you see it, pull it and dispose of in trash.  DO NOT throw it on ground as it will spread seeds (see previous post for details and pictures of Foxtail).  Be sure to carefully check your dog after each visit to the Dog Park and remove any Foxtails that may have gathered in his/her furry coat, ears, eyes, or paws.  Remember that these seeds can work their way down to and even penetrate, your dog’s skin potentially causing health risks. A “Foxtail check” after your Dog Park visit is highly recommended!

Help prevent car break-ins by NOT leaving valuables in your car when you are at Grandview park.  Signs are posted in the parking lot reminding you to take valuables with you when you park.  “Smash and  Dash” is no fun when you are the victim!

Thank you – May Work Party!

IMG_20150503_174153Thank you to all our volunteers at Sunday’s work party!
A record-breaking 44 fantastic park-lovers enjoyed a lovely sunny PNW day working at Grandview Park!

A HUGE thanks to the amazing volunteers who pruned, weeded, cleaned the bulletin boards and picked up trash and poo! DOGS appreciates the donations towards park maintenance budget, plus those who signed up for Committees to further improve the park and fundraising!

Check our Facebook page for photos from the fun day!

DOGS is excited to see such strong support for Grandview!

Join a volunteer committee!
If you would like to join a DOGS Committee please click here to email us or update your profile by clicking here to tell us which committee(s) you are interesting in joining.
-Special Projects
-Park Maintenance

Thank you – March Work Party

Volunteer Work Party at Grandview

Thank you to our volunteers at Saturday’s work party!
36 fantastic park-lovers braved the wind and rain to help:
– repair and replace fencing
– fill and rake holes
– prune bushes
– pickup trash and poo
– collect donations
– and much, much more!

DOGS is excited to see such strong support for Grandview!
Volunteers repair a fence post at Grandview work party

Doing a little spring cleaning?

Have any of these spare items you would like to donate?
-Pruning shears
-Posthole digger/auger
-Folding tables
Please let us know!

Join a volunteer committee!
If you would like to join a DOGS Committee please click here to e-mail us or update your profile by clicking here to tell us which committee(s) you are interesting in joining.
-Special Projects
-Park Maintenance
Click here to donate!